Professional burnout Treatment

Are you wondering what happened to your passion?

Feeling exhausted all the time?

Worried about burning out at work? 

Do you feel like you’re stuck in your career?

Are you repeating yourself in a endless cycle of stress?   

Do you believe that your current job is too demanding?


Maybe you’re working long hours to meet high expectations, and it seems like there’s no way around the pressure to keep achieving. Or perhaps you’ve taken on so much responsibility, it appears that the only way to see things through is to keep working at an exhausting rate. 

You may realize that working at such an intense pace isn’t sustainable, but you don’t know how to get out of this cycle without feeling like you’ve dropped the ball at work or disappointed those around you.

While it’s natural to feel some level of stress, staying in that state for a prolonged period of time can lead to symptoms of professional burnout. 

The emotional and mental exhaustion could start to impact not just your work life but your home and social life as well. While you might think the answer is to blame yourself or work harder, you could risk damaging your career, relationships, or personal health if you don’t allow yourself to take a step back.

What now?

You can begin to work independently with these helpful tips as you firm up your decision to engage and request an appointment.  

On this page you can learn more about what to expect in therapy, its benefits, and possible interventions used in sessions.  If you are ready to journey together.


Warning signs of burnout include physical and emotional exhaustion, insomnia, anxiety and depression.

Signs of burnout include physical symptoms, increased illness and health conditions, physical and emotional exhaustion, mental health concerns such as anxiety and depression, and insomnia. 

Cognitive failures such as forgetting names or overlooking a stop sign are common warning signs of burnout. You may have even begun to feel that you hate your job or feel trapped in your career. The mounting pressures can leave little time for stress management or work life balance.

Perhaps you’ve been feeling down and unmotivated, caught in a brain fog that makes it hard to stay sharp and feel creative. Or maybe you’ve been experiencing headaches, having a difficult time falling or staying asleep, or noticing that you are gaining or losing weight in response to stress. You might experience strong emotional reactions to minor stressors.

Burnout could also be affecting your relationships if you haven’t had the energy to spend time with family and friends. Your loved ones might perceive your exhaustion as an unwillingness to pay attention or hang out with them. If these mental, physical, and social symptoms of burnout are becoming more prevalent, it might be time to ask for help.


In 2019, the World Health Organization officially classified burnout as an occupational phenomenon. It falls under the umbrella of problems related to employment and unemployment. Symptoms range from feelings of depletion to increased mental distance from one’s job. Burnout has become so common that human resource departments are implementing burnout prevention policies.

With the added pressure to keep up with technology, constant notifications, and certain workplace cultures that aren’t conducive to taking breaks, it can feel like we always have to be “on.” We can end up feeling like we need to do more, bill more, or raise the bar. This can make it hard to relax or “turn off”. As symptoms of burnout rise, it can become harder to manage them on our own.

Risk factors that contribute to burnout include long-term job stress, lack of control, work overload, lack of community and conflicting values.

Thankfully, a professional burnout therapist can help you learn strategies you need to start feeling relieved instead of overwhelmed, reducing stress and begin living a life that reflects your values. On our own, we may tend to push our feelings down, which can be even more isolating. With counseling, we can figure out what tools will benefit your specific situation the most so you can put things back into perspective and bring light to your own unique priorities.


"Don’t wait until the stress begins to affect your relationships or personal health."

Once you have symptoms of burnout it can be difficult to cope with stress and burnout on your own. Your body isn’t responding the way it used to. Maybe what was once periodic stress has started taking a greater toll on your overall life, and you’re not sure where to start. Working with a therapist can provide a safe space to get the ball rolling so we can find solutions to a problem that might have seemed impossible to deal with by yourself. As a professional therapist, I’ve seen first-hand how effective a supportive outlet can be in regaining perspective.

We’ll begin by exploring and understanding the issue causing burnout for you and look at patterns to really figure out how it’s impacting your life. We’ll explore how it shows up every day, both physically and mentally. When we identify what’s getting in your way the most, we can start to work toward the core issue and figure out personalized stress and burnout coping mechanisms. This might include exploring some career counseling or directing you toward some additional couples/group resources if helpful.

Our Approach to Professional Burnout Treatment

Our licensed clinicians use a variety of different therapeutic methods to treat professional burnout, including but not limited to:

How long does professional burnout treatment take?

Just as each client is unique, so is professional burnout treatment. Many different factors play a role in how long therapy will last. Some of these factors include: how severe your symptoms are, how often you feel them, and how long you have been dealing with them. At the end of the day, I'm here to help you clarify what your own goals are and because I know everyone’s values are different, we’ll define what value-based living looks like to you. Then we’ll ask the question, “What would it look like if you were living more consistently with your values?” Instead of feeling powerless in your situation, we’ll explore what’s within your control. We’ll identify what you can do to make changes that support your goals. Finally, we’ll help you to establish maintenance practices for preventing and preparing for future life challenges independently.

To get a better idea of what your individualized treatment plan would look like...